This subsection provides a glossary of key terms related to the Transport Services architecture. It provides a short description of key terms that are later defined in this document.¶
Application: An entity that uses the transport layer for end-to-end delivery of data across the network [RFC8095].¶
Cached State: The state and history that the Transport Services Implementation keeps for each set of the associated Endpoints that have been used previously.¶
Candidate Path: One path that is available to an application and conforms to the Selection Properties and System Policy during racing.¶
Candidate Protocol Stack: One Protocol Stack that can be used by an application for a Connection during racing.¶
Client: The peer responsible for initiating a Connection.¶
Clone: A Connection that was created from another Connection, and forms a part of a Connection Group.¶
Connection: Shared state of two or more Endpoints that persists across Messages that are transmitted and received between these Endpoints [RFC8303]. When this document (and other Transport Services documents) use the capitalized "Connection" term, it refers to a Connection object that is being offered by the Transport Services system, as opposed to more generic uses of the word "connection".¶
Connection Context: A set of stored properties across Connections, such as cached protocol state, cached path state, and heuristics, which can include one or more Connection Groups.¶
Connection Group: A set of Connections that share properties and caches.¶
Connection Property: A Transport Property that controls per-Connection behavior of a Transport Services Implementation.¶
Endpoint: An entity that communicates with one or more other endpoints using a transport protocol.¶
Endpoint Identifier: An identifier that specifies one side of a Connection (local or remote), such as a hostname or URL.¶
Equivalent Protocol Stacks: Protocol Stacks that can be safely swapped or raced in parallel during establishment of a Connection.¶
Event: A primitive that is invoked by an Endpoint [RFC8303].¶
Framer: A data translation layer that can be added to a Connection to define how application-layer Messages are transmitted over a Protocol Stack.¶
Local Endpoint: The local Endpoint.¶
Local Endpoint Identifier: A representation of the application's identifier for itself that it uses for a Connection.¶
Message: A unit of data that can be transferred between two Endpoints over a Connection.¶
Message Property: A property that can be used to specify details about Message transmission, or obtain details about the transmission after receiving a Message.¶
Parameter: A value passed between an application and a transport protocol by a primitive [RFC8303].¶
Path: A representation of an available set of properties that a Local Endpoint can use to communicate with a Remote Endpoint.¶
Peer: An Endpoint application party to a Connection.¶
Preconnection: an object that represents a Connection that has not yet been established.¶
Preference: A preference to prohibit, avoid, ignore, prefer, or require a specific Transport Feature.¶
Primitive: A function call that is used to locally communicate between an application and an Endpoint, which is related to one or more Transport Features [RFC8303].¶
Protocol Instance: A single instance of one protocol, including any state necessary to establish connectivity or send and receive Messages.¶
Protocol Stack: A set of Protocol Instances that are used together to establish connectivity or send and receive Messages.¶
Racing: The attempt to select between multiple Protocol Stacks based on the Selection and Connection Properties communicated by the application, along with any Security Parameters.¶
Remote Endpoint: The peer that a local Endpoint can communicate with when a Connection is established.¶
Remote Endpoint Identifier: A representation of the application's identifier for a peer that can participate in establishing a Connection.¶
Rendezvous: The action of establishing a peer-to-peer Connection with a Remote Endpoint.¶
Security Parameters: Parameters that define an application's requirements for authentication and encryption on a Connection.¶
Server: The peer responsible for responding to a Connection initiation.¶
Socket: The combination of a destination IP address and a destination port number [RFC8303].¶
System Policy: The input from an operating system or other global preferences that can constrain or influence how an implementation will gather Candidate Paths and Protocol Stacks and race the candidates during establishment of a Connection.¶
Selection Property: A Transport Property that can be set to influence the selection of paths between the Local and Remote Endpoints.¶
Transport Feature: A specific end-to-end feature that the transport layer provides to an application.¶
Transport Property: A property that expresses requirements, prohibitions and preferences [RFC8095].¶
Transport Service: A set of transport features, without an association to any given framing protocol, that provides a complete service to an application.¶
Transport Services Implementation: This consists of all objects and protocol instances used internally to a system or library to implement the functionality needed to provide a transport service across a network, as required by the abstract interface.¶
Transport Services System: The Transport Services Implementation and the Transport Services API.¶